Minnesota Coalition
The Minnesota Indian Women’s Sexual Assault Coalition (MIWSAC) is a statewide Tribal Coalition and National Tribal Technical Assistance Provider. MIWSAC has worked since 2001 to end gender-based violence and enhance tribal, state, and federal responses to sexual violence and sex-trafficking.
MIWSAC uses culturally based training, technical assistance, strategies, resources, tools, and a wide range of events and activities to engage and support survivors of sexual violence, advocates, service providers, community, and allies that are working to end sexual violence and sex trafficking across Minnesota’s 11 federally recognized Tribal Nations, urban Native bases, and Tribal communities across the country.
MIWSAC’s work is grounded in the philosophy that each of us have a role, purpose, and place in eradicating sexual violence. As we galvanize across gender, race, age, orientation, expertise, and experience, we are all safer.
Through Unity We Will Strengthen Our Voices
Creating Safety and Justice Through the Teachings of Our Grandmothers
What Is Sexual Violence Prevention?
MIWSAC adheres to the value that preventing sexual violence means more than stopping an act of sexual violence before it occurs, or attempting to stop a harm-doer from causing harm.
We must also address the root causes of sexual violence which can include oppression, patriarchy, misogyny, military conquest, individualism, and other attitudes, believes and actions that promote a culture of violence using sex.
As we work to restore our original Indigenous worldview, centered around interdependence and collective wellness, there is room for healthy sexuality, enthusiastic consent, and a role and purpose for every single one of us!
The dictionary defines prevention like this:
prevention | prəˈven(t)SH(ə)n | (noun)
The action of stopping something from happening or arising.
Education & Training
- 40-Hour Native-Specific Sexual Assault Advocacy Training
- Annual Conference
- Peer Trainings
- Elevate/Uplift National Technical Assistance and National Dialogue Platform
- Tribal Sexual Assault Services Program National Technical Assistance
Public Awareness
- Missing and Murdered Indigenous People’s March
- Solidarity Shawl Project
- Barrette Project-Living Memorial
- Survivor Pow-Wow
- Radio PSA’s
- Sexual Assault Awareness Month Learning Series
- LGBTQ2S Educational Brochure
- MMIW Task Force
Engaging Native Men and Boys in Sexual Violence Prevention
- Indigenous Men’s Summits
- Webinars
- Making Space to Rise Video and Community Discussions
- MMIW Task Force
- Human Trafficking Task Force
- Coordination with state agencies
- Decolonizing Our Work Materials
Membership & Outreach
- Quarterly Coalition Meetings
- Sustaining Our Advocacy Retreats
- Site Visits
- Visioning Our North Star
Prostitution and Trafficking of Native Women
- Project Beacon | Urban Community National Technical Assistance
- Trafficking National Technical Assistance
- Garden of Truth Report, presentations and trainings as requested
- Strengthening Sovereign Responses to Sex Trafficking in Indian Country and Alaska | Annual National Conference
- 40-Hour Native-Specific Sexual Assault Advocacy Training
- Annual Conference
- Peer Trainings
- Elevate/Uplift National Technical Assistance and National Dialogue Platform
- Tribal Sexual Assault Services Program National Technical Assistance
- Missing and Murdered Indigenous People's March
- Solidarity Shawl Project
- Barrette Project-Living Memorial
- Survivor Pow-Wow
- Radio PSA's
- Sexual Assault Awareness Month Learning Series
- LGBTQ2S Educational Brochure
- MMIW Task Force
- Indigenous Men's Summits
- Webinars
- Making Space to Rise Video and Community Discussions
- MMIW Task Force
- Human Trafficking Task Force
- Coordination With State Agencies
- Decolonizing Our Work Materials
- Quarterly Coalition Meetings
- Sustaining Our Advocacy Retreats
- Site Visits
- Visioning Our North Star
- Project Beacon | Urban Community National Technical Assistance
- Trafficking National Technical Assistance
- Garden of truth Report, Presentations and Trainings as Requested
- Strengthening Sovereign Responses to Sex Trafficking in Indian Country and Alaska | Annual National Conference